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Home » Softwares » Best Personal Virtual Assistant Software for Windows PC and Android
Best Personal Virtual Assistant Software for Windows PC and Android
Microsoft recently launched Cortana for Windows mobile 8.1. Siri and Google Now are pretty good vitual personal assistant apps for iOS and Android respectively. Here comes Braina, a very intelligent and useful digital personal assistant software for Windows OS from Brainasoft like Jarvis from Ironman.
Braina is the worlds best artificial intelligent software for Windows computer and it is totally Free. It works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 , Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Braina is a powerful software that remembers, infers, analyses, thinks and learns from experience to provide effective feedback. Braina can understand English language very well and thus you can ask it to perform various tasks in your natural language.
Braina also comes for Android but Android app cannot work independently and needs Braina installed on your computer. Braina for Android app can be used as an external wireless microphone to work with Braina installed on PC. This means you can speak in your phone to play song from anywhere in your house and the song will be played on your computer!
Few examples of things that you can ask Braina are mentioned below:
- 45 + 25 - 34
- 100 minus 5 plus 45
- 20 multiplied by 3
- 100 divided by 25
- $240 + 15%
- Square root of 81
You can ask Braina to play songs providing song name, artist(singer) name or album name.
- Play song
- Play Enrique
- Search song blues
- Search video thriller
Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Define encephalon
- What is intelligence?
- Synonyms of shrewd
- Antonyms of cool
- Words containing Apple
Search Information
- Find information on Parkinson's disease
- Search Real Madrid score on Google
- Search for Albert Einstein on Wikipedia
- Who is Sachin Tendulkar?
Weather Information
- How is the weather?
- Weather in London
- Set alarm at 7 am
- Remind me to go for a walk at 6:30 pm
- alarms
- reminders
- Note I have given 550 dollars to John
- Recall John
- Notes
Search/Open Files and Folders
- Search file awesome
- Open file finalpresentation.ppt
- Search folder program
Open Computer Programs and Settings
- Open Notepad
- Change Wallpaper
- Open Mouse Properties
- Open My Computer
- Open Control Panel
- Show news about Obama
- Show map of London
- Show restaurants near me
- New movies
- I want to buy Iphone 5s
- What is the time?
- Tell me the date
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